Examination |
Students have to satisfy the eligibility criteria for appearing in examination as laid down in the academic regulations of SCTEVT. Every theory course consists 2 class tests each of 10 percentage points and one end semester examination of 70 percentage points. Permission to appear the sessionals and end semester examination is subject to fulfillment of attendance and other requirements as per the rules & regulations of Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela.
Every student has to maintain a minimum 75% attendance in each theory class & 100% attendance in Laboratory & sessionals. A student who has been absent on medical ground may be allowed to appear an examination, provided he/she has attended at least 65% of classes and (i) appeared before a medical board and (ii) the Principal recommended the case for such relaxation. Non-fulfillment of attendance requirement may result in loss of an academic year. Reports on attendance shortage are regularly brought to the notice of the concerned student and parent & sent to sctevt as per the rules.